Saturday, 21 November 2009

Death Note Hollywood Remake

I was not happy to hear that Hollywood are remaking the Japanese (anime/manga/film) 'Desu Noto' or 'Death Note'. What started out as a very popular Japanese manga and escalated into a anime series and finally graduated to no less than 3 live action Japanese films can only be described as amazing.
I definitely jumped on the Death Note bandwagon late, but what a mindf**k. I have only seen two of the three films and frankly they do have some cheesy elements and are lacking quite a lot of the original content of the manga/anime, but kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.
However what has really upset me is that Zac Effron has been pegged to play the character Light. Noooo! Why!!!
Not sure what the hell I'm on about read about the Death Note phenomenon here.
Sorry couldn't find a trailer with English subtitles, but the first two films did thankfully show on film four with subtitles
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